Don’t get used to

Well..uhm…well I’m not really in the mood to do it. How about tomorrow?

Sounds familiar? There are more excuses than we can imagine. Guess what. You won’t change a little bit in your life without a proper decision. I was, and can be bored sometimes but I managed to get myself a hobby which can’t be delayed no matter what (let’s exclude extremities).

One of my friends did. He got used to everday’s routine. And damn it I don’t seem to find a way to make him take a step outside that.


Excitement overrated

I’m back. This time for sure. To be honest I had an ongoing at my workplace. As I look back, it seems like there were more troubles than enough.

I had my own problems as I everybody does. Dayz were passing me by in no time and I didn’t realize any changes. So, one day we had a chance that one of us will take a step higher and our biggest fear was that our nemesis will get this role. We were about to collect signatures or have a look around if sh*t hits the fan you know. Logic dictated it cannot happen but the devil never sleeps.

Thank god no scale could ’tilt’ this big.

Misstep from the yellow brick

Things do happen with / around me. Problem is, as usual, when I am in the way of doing something and once take a step elsewhere, the habit can get confused. It means that getting back to that is much harder than expected. <any stuff to be placed here as topic: sport, study courses, having breakfast or writing, etc…>

I guess these happen because something replaces them. I was angry and excited at work, I have found this and that, which took energy and time (here and there money – do these three always go together?) and it was unavoidable. It comes to one’s mind to get back on track but the doing so falls away.

In the last weeks I felt so exhausted, only some days ago did I feel like I was relaxed. And that was great.

Only one thing left. I do hope it goes away soon…

Sleep anywhere

I could fall asleep anywhere…

Excusez moi – Summer kills/Beauty of stupidity

First I would like to apologize for not writing a word from anyone who reads this and myself. These last two weeks I’m dying because of the weather and the best thing I can do after work to lay on the ground waiting until evening brings colder. Outside this I do have stuff around myself, which is great yet tiring. Ok, let’s see what we got now.

Have you ever thought that anyone next to you on the bus or who-knows-where shouldn’t give life to a baby? Maybe you already recognized, that I’m not really hiding my thoughts and to be honest I don’t think I should be sorry for that.

So in my country at the moment it seems like we are on a road leading to sort of a dark medieval times like imagination, where the rich will be able to offer themselves proper education and the poor should be made controllable and to have the rights to do those jobs which in normal case nobody would like to.

poor soul

This, among (many) others will lead directly to a situation where human beings without the ability to think walk around any and everywhere and transmit this attribute / behavior to their descendants and so on.

You should know that the whole idea of writing about this was born after some of the last days’ events. To throw a factual example, I’ve encountered a conversation where the other being started the sentence like: “You won’t convince me about…” (for me and for some of my acquaintances the other part of this sentence is way too foolish) and I was like ‘”So why bother?”‘. Yeah well not wanting to go deeper into this crap I’ve finished it saying that we are at a variance in this topic.

Despite these every society had, has now and going to give space so to say…the less fortunate. (And to be honest if you’re far enough this is funny for a time period)

Week start

Thank God It's Monday

No mistery. Weekends should have no ending. One day to kill the whole week? It happens.

Well I had some stuff to do around the house during the weekend, but it’s not a reason for it to fly away this easy. Time didn’t give a f*ck. Phone rang in the morning and hours passed. Only difference between now and then that someone already got on my nerves and I have new things to worry about.

Deep breath. As I heard tomorrow brings refreshing rain.

Night without purpose

Bus. Again. Two beers, not more because I didn’t really want to. It was a must. Actually in some cases it really is.

So the hangout was based on something like a teambuliding with co-workers. But you know every one of us has other stuff to pay attention to and sometimes you just don’t feel like going out sounded any good. Despite that, fact is, every single person has to fake a smile sometimes. Or don’t and don’t be suprised if you aren’t going to be invited next time or you cannot join a previously started conversation.

I get the idea of utopistic ideas about doing only what you like but the way I see it life is more complex.

So here I go a bit drunk, thinking about what I could have been doing instead, yet it wasn’t that bad. At least feeling every single pothole on the way home with a more tired mind seems to be soothing somehow.



But it happens. Sometimes I just don’t feel like I’m sleepy. I really want to, but I can’t. No reason behind, it’s just doesn’t feel right. I’m tired, my eyes are “bleeding” and dreams won’t come. What. the. hell?

Problem is with this you know, you are going to have a rough day with or without sleeping. I won’t count sheeps, boring movies ain’t gonna work either. I’m listening to music, feeling relaxed and watch the ceiling covered in shadows, enlightened by candles. Why? JustBecause.

When I was younger I used have these nights when I was just thinking. Thinking about life. Definition, meaning, point of… anything. Maybe my current wants to have them back. Floating in time you know. It passes, without feeling the weight of it.

Unfortunately above an age level it doesn’t work that simple. Yet, the result will be:

How to read on a bus

Forget it. It’s not gonna work. Either something will smell the way you swear you could throw up or some evil telecommunications company didn’t offer their buyers a headset for the actual device or…

Ok, it happens that I’m starting to read whilst travelling but sometimes it just doesn’t seem to be an option. Children are nice and they do mean our future but… well, you know above a specific sound level it’s pretty hard to concentrate. This is an exact experience from some days ago.

And, well as I’ve started off, the worst isn’t a baby crying. Outside that there could be any imaginable “disturbing factor”.

There is no clear recipe solving this, although some say listening to music helps a lot. For me it has to be either just some soothing noise or nothing at all. You know if I’m listening to a favourite band of mine I “have to” listen.

Uhm… You didn’t want to miss getting off at the right stop, did ya?

Childhood never ending

Please tell me I’m wrong! If you read any of my previous posts, you may call me pessimist. I, normally wouldn’t agree with that, I’d call myself realist. This time I’ve chosen to write about humans the way I see, based on my experiences.

So a usual country does have it’s own resources for citizens to have the opportunity to use smartphones, tablets and such and what do you see? Every single life form who has this and connection to the internet is hanging on facebook or plays some sort of a nonsense “get three pieces of crap together – wehee“. Hilarious, yet sad.

Next you got any kind of relationship it should be based on eqaulity right? You have an apple, you split it into two. Or you’ve got only one, you give it to the other, so next time you’ll get their orange. Nope. If you offer your hand you’ll find yourself with an arm chopped off later. You may or may not recognize that being in a comfortable position won’t make you lift your finger. Turn this around and be an asshole. What do you get? The same? And what is there to laugh about? You’ll be the one surprized and resentful. Does that make sense?

It looks like that if we meet something new we are just unable to get over a specific level, we get easily stuck at some part like a 3 year old child would do, which can be interesting from one point of view and in simpler cases. But if you are in the middle of something like this at your work you’ll get more than frustrated by it.

A list about these could go on for ages, somehow I do hope we’ll manage to grow up.